Permanent Fundraisers

Support the talents of gifted youth.
Support the talents of gifted youth.
In the face of one of the most severe economic crises in its history, and a political climate that breeds uncertainty and fear for the future, Lebanese youth are compelled and forced to leave their home country in seeking a better future, immigrating to any country that would welcome and benefit from their world famous innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. Onward is a startup initiative attempting to encourage these youths to cling to their roots and to find a breathing space where their art and intellect is appreciated by providing them with whatever they need to develop and grow their talents. We are a small locally based group of teachers and social workers looking for talented and promising students to encourage them into believing in their homeland and to help rebuild it by rewarding their art and innovation and hopefully sponsoring the most promising ones in the future. We are based in North Lebanon which is its most neglected governate, in the city of Tripoli, one of the poorest city on the coast of the Mediterranean where poverty and lack of education and job opportunities make for a fertile ground for disenfranchisement, we aim to help in quelling the rising tide of extremism by spreading intellectualism and knowledge and helping teens feel like they belong. For every donation no matter how modest we will be able to fund or procure a much needed tool, instrument or precious manuals and textbooks, from painting kits to music instruments passing by any and every tool that would aid a young mind express itself while feeling validated and appreciated. Join us in helping grow the abundant seeds of talent in Lebanon and be part of a very special dream of keeping Lebanese families whole in the hope chartering a course of return to the Eden of the Middle-East.   We have three direct objectives we are hoping to achieve that will depend on the level of funding received: 1- The first objective is to directly procure the tools and instruments needed by the youth to practice and hone their talents and arts; we will conduct an inventory of the things that the children need and publish it and proceed to procure whatever the funding allows. 2- The second objective is to fund classes for gifted children; we will conduct a survey with the participants and attempt to fund the most desired classes and courses to insure that the largest number of them can progress their talents and grow them to professional levels. 3- The third and final objective is to fund the renting of a center that can host these classes and allow for a safe space for any child that feels the need for companionship and nurturing support, where we can centralize and facilitate all the activities of the project, the center would have a library full of textbooks, manuals and even regular books since sadly there is a disastrous lack of public libraries in these areas, as well as containing rooms for classes to take place without having to change venue repeatedly. We aim to help and sponsor any and all types of talent and interest, from scientific to labor-oriented to artistic endeavors, whatever skill or talent the young person wishes to advance, the project will attempt to help them change their future and even try their hands at different types of arts or talents to find that which suits them best . The sad reality is that the severe crises Lebanon is going through and the hyper-inflation has made it impossible for even middle-class families to spend their incomes on anything other than the necessary day to day needs, we strive to help these families and even all people from all walks of life to not neglect their inner voice and to express and advance themselves and to help children do better in schools. For more information follow us on: 🟠insta: đŸ””facebook: âšȘtwitter: 🔮Youtube: ⚫Tiktok:



The Third Voice for Lebanon
The Third Voice for Lebanon
The Third Voice for Lebanon in partnership with Street and Independent Engineers and Architects (IEA), are working on a developmental neighborhood project which is called Ù…ŰŽŰ±ÙˆŰč Ű­ÙŠ (Project Neighborhood and dually translated to Project Living in english). The Harvest Box, our other initiative continues to bear fruit and ripen! In partnership with Street and Lebanese Food bank, we have taken the campaign national! Not only by providing small to medium scale farmers with plants during this economic crisis, but in addition the farmers themselves are continuing the cycle of social responsibility and providing a portion of their yields to underprivledged families in need of assistance! Our initiatives confronts the crisis and the ineptness of the ruling class, as they are grassroots developmental/interactive/social projects that focus on neighborhoods and the individuals through enhancing and beautifying the spaces they closely interact with, while raising awareness about sustainability and safety through workshops. By doing so, we hope to be building a culture of responsible citizenship for the young generations living in the benefiting neighbourhoods. Mashrou' Hay also aims to establish communal and roof gardens  (urban agriculture) to further introduce independence, rain water retention, well being of the inhabitants, and several other sub advantages. As neighbors and their children interact and collaborate throughout neighborhoods, they in turn  build relationships with each other and public places further benefiting from them culturally and societally. Our aim is to strengthen the culture of the individual and social responsibility which in return will positively impact towards a healthier society.



Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath
Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath
Notre Ă©cole, École du Saint Enfant JĂ©sus - Besançon Baabdath, est un Ă©tablissement catholique, francophone, qui appartient Ă  la CongrĂ©gation des SƓurs de la CharitĂ© de Sainte Jeanne-Antide Thouret (Besançon). Notre Ă©cole est une ONG qui compte environ 700 Ă©lĂšves, encadrĂ©s par prĂšs de 70 enseignants et membres du personnel administratif. C’est un lieu qui offre un espace d’apprentissage dans un climat positif, et dont le but est de rĂ©pandre le savoir, de dĂ©velopper le savoir-faire, et de cultiver le savoir – ĂȘtre, le tout dans le rayonnement de la charitĂ© et du Charisme de sa fondatrice. DotĂ©e d’un historique riche et fĂ©cond, notre Ă©cole est ancrĂ©e dans l’histoire de Baabdath et a su manifestement Ă©voluer au fil des annĂ©es. Depuis 1906 et jusqu’à nos jours, elle accueille les Ă©lĂšves, les « trĂ©sors » comme les appelle Ste Jeanne-Antide, de la maternelle jusqu’aux classes terminales. Filles et garçons sont formĂ©s aux valeurs humaines, spirituelles, sociales et religieuses. Ils suivent le programme libanais, bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un enseignement trilingue Ă  partir de la Petite Section, et tirent profit de l’enseignement des nouvelles technologies sans pour autant nĂ©gliger le sport et les arts qu’ils pratiquent au quotidien. À l’école du Saint Enfant JĂ©sus – Besançon Baabdath, nous veillons Ă  garder un esprit Ă©vangĂ©lique marquĂ© par la joie d’apprendre, de dĂ©couvrir, et de dĂ©velopper la crĂ©ativitĂ© et les activitĂ©s pour que chaque Ă©lĂšve puisse faire fructifier au mieux son potentiel et ses dons. Par-dessus tout, nos Ă©lĂšves appartiennent Ă  une grande famille qui les aide Ă  s’épanouir et surtout Ă  vivre. Or, depuis octobre 2019, notre Ă©cole, tout comme notre pays, vit au rythme des crises. Nous nous trouvons dans l’incapacitĂ© de pourvoir aux besoins croissants du fonctionnement de l’établissement, d’allĂ©ger le fardeau qui pĂšse sur les parents des Ă©lĂšves d’une part, et de continuer Ă  respecter nos engagements vis-Ă -vis du personnel Ă©ducatif qui s’investit Ă  merveille dans l’enseignement Ă  distance d’autre part. En effet, dans cette situation inĂ©dite que traverse le Liban, 50% des parents de nos Ă©lĂšves deviennent chĂŽmeurs, ou mi- chĂŽmeurs avec un demi- traitement, et se trouvent dans l’impossibilitĂ© de verser la totalitĂ© de l’écolage. C’est pour ces raisons-ci que notre Ă©cole se tourne vers les amis et les bienfaiteurs, pour solliciter leur solidaritĂ© de façon Ă  poursuivre ensemble la mission d’éducation qui est celle de Besançon-Baabdath et que le flambeau de la connaissance, de la vie et de la foi continue Ă  Ă©clairer les yeux de nos Ă©lĂšves, de tous nos Ă©lĂšves sans exception. Une vidĂ©o qui prĂ©sente l’école avant le Covid-19 est disponible sur le lien suivant : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our school, Saint Enfant JĂ©sus - Besançon Baabdath, is a Catholic, French-speaking school, which belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret (Besançon). It is an NGO that counts around 700 students, guided by 70 teachers and administrative staff approximately. The school is a place that offers a learning environment in a positive climate. It aims at spreading knowledge, developing the know-how and encouraging life skills under the influence of charity and the charisma of its founder. The rich and fruitful history of our school is deeply rooted in the history of Baabdath and it has visibly evolved through the years. Since 1906 to this day, it has welcomed students, « treasures » as St Jeanne Antide calls them, who fill the classes from Kindergarten to the senior classes. Boys and girls are acquainted with human, spiritual, social and religious values. They follow the Lebanese programme, benefit from a trilingual education since KG1, and take advantage of the instruction of the new technologies, not to mention all kinds of sports and arts they practice on a regular basis. At Saint Enfant JĂ©sus - Besançon Baabdath, we remain vigilant in maintaining an evangelical spirit, characterised by the joy of learning, discovering, and developing creativity and activities, so each student can best grow and further his potential and his skills. Above all, our students belong to one big family that helps them flourish, and most of all, live. However, since 2019, our school, just like our country, has been living by the rhythm of the different crises. We find ourselves unable to provide for the growing needs that the running of the school requires, lighten the load on the parents’ shoulders on the one hand, and fulfil our commitments towards the teaching staff, who are doing wonders in distance learning, on the other hand. Actually, in this unprecedented situation that Lebanon is going through, 50% of our students’ parents have become unemployed or are just earning half pay, which makes it impossible for them to cover their children’s school fees. Those are the reasons that drive our school to seek the help of its friends and benefactors. We appeal to their solidarity, to pursue together the educational mission of Besançon- Baabdath, so the torch of knowledge, life and faith will always light the eyes of our students, all of our students without exception. A video presenting the school before Covid-19 is available at the following link:




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