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Help shelter dogs and more strays get medical care


Help shelter dogs and more strays get medical care
With the failing economy, many people find it hard to care for their own needs let alone those of animals. Since the start of the corona virus many people dumped their pets and now most shelters are beyond their capacity. Help small NGOs like Refq give their dogs their yearly vaccines and help more dogs in need. Diseases like Rabies, parvo and distemper which are fatal to dogs can be prevented easily. Mange; a terrible skin disease can be treated with proper care as well and many painful accidents can be treated. But it all takes some care and funding. By sharing a small amount, together we can save lives. Nuhad Sheikh Founder of RefQ مع الاقتصاد المثكل والتعب، يجد الكثير من الناس صعوبة في رعاية احتياجاتهم الخاصة ناهيك عن احتياجات الحيوانات. منذ بداية فيروس كورونا ، ألقى الكثير من الناس حيواناتهم الأليفة ، والآن أصبحت معظم الملاجئ فوق طاقتها. ساعد المنظمات غير الحكومية الصغيرة مثل "رفق" في إعطاء كلابهم لقاحاتهم السنوية ومساعدة المزيد من الحيوانات المحتاجة. يمكن الوقاية بسهولة من أمراض مثل داء الكلب والبارفو والنِسَّل القاتلة للكلاب. الجرب (مرض جلدي رهيب) يمكن علاجه بالرعاية المناسبة أيضًا ويمكن علاج العديد من الحوادث المؤلمة. لكن الأمر كله يتطلب بعض الرعاية والتمويل. من خلال مشاركة كمية صغيرة ، يمكننا معًا إنقاذ الأرواح. نهاد شيخ "مؤسسة جمعية "رفق

$395 raised Of $13,500

Buddha's Pack - Urgent Appeal for Help


Buddha's Pack - Urgent Appeal for Help
Buddha's pack is a boarding and rescue initiative based in Lebanon. It houses over 100 dogs. It is owned by a middle aged lady who works as a one-woman-show. Despite the cumulating crises (economic crisis, Beirut explosion... etc.) leading to difficult/unprecedented times and affecting all sectors of life, she never gave up on any of the dogs under her care, even sometimes at her own expense. Many were abandoned at her doorstep, while others were left there by their rescuers/guardians who were no longer able to afford their boarding and food fees. She ended up having over 60 dogs of her own. Her sole income was from the boarding facility. She had to move from her old location over a year ago because neighbors were bothered by the dogs. However, given the rush that her previous landlords put her in, she had to move to a place that has been causing her problems from day one and is less than ideal. She urgently needs to relocate before winter since the place is not ideal for summer, let alone winter time, and we need your help to achieve this goal and be able to cover the rent of the new location (as well as related construction costs) and the basic needs of the dogs (food, blankets, vaccines, microchips, water, deworming and defleaing pills... etc.). Anyone is welcome to visit tante Pascale's current location and witness her treatment of the dogs with their own eyes. Kindly donate. If you can't donate, share! Thank you in advance! Please, do reach out to us on +961 3 127 650 for more info!

$1,729 raised Of $10,000

Stop Bouggie's Cry


Stop Bouggie's Cry
I found by coincidence Yorki in the street near my work in 2007. I thought that I would ever love a dog, but Yorki literally changed my Life since then.. A couple of years later, in 2011, Cookie was brought to the family. And with Yorki, Cookie gave birth to Bouggie in 2012. Sadly, in June 2018, Yorki passed away after a long battle with cancer. It was heartbreaking for me. In the beginning of 2019, Bouggie’s behaviour became very weird. He couldn’t move his neck and if someone touched him he would start screaming. This was very unfamiliar because since the day he was born, Bouggie was a hyperactive dog, joyful and very playful. Hence, after taking him to the veterinary in February 2019, Bouggie was diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease. The veterinary gave Bouggie anti-inflammatories, and he’s been on them for the last 2 years. However, with time Bouggie’s disk started hardening. This is where, in the beginning of February 2021, and in addition to Bouggie’s constant pain, Bouggie started losing his capacity to walk. So we did the surgery in the beginning of April 2021 ,and Bouggie start walking again. Now before around one month Bouggie start crying and stop walking again . I contacted his doctor so he ask for a new MRI . So when he checked the MRI he said that the disk in the same place . To be honest I didn’t believe what he said . so I took the MRI to another doctor ,and as you can see in the MRI report in the 1st operation they removed a wrong disk c5-c6 , when they should remove c3-c4 as per the MRI report. Now Bouggie as you can see in the video attached to this case can’t walk and keep crying all the time, and need a surgery as soon as possible, and will cost 850USD. In the 1st operation I paid everything MRI, Blood Test ,Operation and medicines when the dollar rate was around 12000 . Now with 25000 lira/USD I paid again MRI ,Blood test and Lecture outside Lebanon for the MRI Pictures to make the comparison between the old and the new MRI. Bouggie is my best friend and I feel that he is a part of my heart ,I can’t see him crying and do nothing but I’m unable to pay the operation cost and the doctor doesn’t make any discount , I should work for around 5 or 6 months to get the operation fees . I need your help to save Bouggie’s life because he stops eating and I feel that I will lost him . If you need any further information or documents I’m ready .You can contact me by WhatsApp 03232998.

$0 raised Of $850

Help us build our "Happy Shelter" for our 100 Dogs


Help us build our "Happy Shelter" for our 100 Dogs
Our journey of hope began in 2018, we envisioned a sustainable solution addressing the animal welfare problems in Lebanon for animals and humans to coexist peacefully in this world. Our main objective is to tackle the root causes of animal suffering , so that we make a huge difference to their lives. In this 4-year period, we couldn’t turn a blind eye to the numerous cases of injured animals, including cats, dogs, and a few horses. Days passed and the number of vulnerable animals kept on increasing. Luckily, our elite team was always on the lookout for helpless animals and succeeded every time in all the missions. Currently, we have 100 dogs in our care. These dogs were saved from horrible conditions; however, PAW team’s intervention kept them from meeting miserable destinies. We pampered them with utmost care through providing a protected environment and having them examined by professional vets. Our main aim was to exert every effort to give them a decent life. However, these 100 rescued dogs were scattered over different locations and this affected the kind of care we think they should really have. As a result, we decided to build our first shelter to gather all these dogs in one happy place, where we can properly look after them. Please note that the shelter has a limited capacity and will only host these 100 rescued dogs. The shelter will be located on a riverside in the middle of a forest, making it a perfect environment for dogs: peaceful and calm. It is a self-sustained shelter ( electricity & water), where dogs will be provided with all basic necessities and more. We consulted international vets and professionals for the design to create a safe and clean environment for them. We took the behavioral part into careful consideration and that is why they will be sleeping in packs and not alone. As for the play part, there will be enough space for them to release their energy: 8 outdoor playgrounds and 2 indoor ones for wintertime. Not to forget cats, we added one big room for the injured but with limited capacity. We believed in change and look where we are now. Are you ready to be the reason behind a happy dog? Will you take part in giving our rescues a chance to experience love for their first time? The shelter will cost us USD 30,000 including rent and overhead expenses for one year, in addition to construction costs. Your donation gives voice to the voiceless and lots of wagging tails! Support our current campaign and believe that every small donation you give has the ability to move the world for animals.

$313 raised Of $30,000