Warm Meals, Warm Hearts
USD 20
Raised of USD 3,500 Goal
10 $ on 03-06-2023
10 $ on 02-06-2023
All-One Foundation Created this campaign
All-One Foundation is a non-profit founded in 2015, focused on community development. In response to the current situation in Lebanon, we launched a program providing warm meals to elderly people who do not have the means and ability to cook for themselves, and to families in need.
To stand by these families, we are raising support for monthly delivery of food portions. Our food boxes are adapted to each person or family’s needs, and cost around 35$.
We can only do so much with our current means, and need YOUR help, through donations, references and direct involvement.
You can donate here or through our website: Allonefoundation.org/contribute
P.S.: Each box contains:
-1L Vegetable Oil
-1Kg Rice
-1Kg Flour
-1Kg Chickpeas
-1Kg Lentils
-1Kg Burgul
-1Kg Green Beans
-1Kg Powder Milk
-500g Zaatar
-500g Sugar
-500g Fruit Jam
-750g Luncheon Meat
- 2Kgs Pasta
-6 Canned Sardines
-6 Canned Tuna
- 4 Packs of Spreadable Cheese
Learn more about us:
All-One Foundation
Street 1-01, Baouchrieh, Metn, Lebanon
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