Sponsor a Needy    - إكفَل طفلاً من ذوي الاحتياجات


Sponsor a Needy - إكفَل طفلاً من ذوي الاحتياجات
يختص "مركز مصان" منذ العام 1993 برعاية 175 من الأطفال والشباب من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، المركز مسؤول عن تعليم الأطفال ذوي الإعاقات الخاصة والجسدية والمشاكل العقلية والنفسية والاضطرابات الأخرى. كما يوفّر لهم جلسات علاجية مثل العلاج الفيزيائي والتدريب المهني والوظيفي والعلاج النفسي وعلاج النطق. يواجه الأطفال في مركز مُصان خاصّةً وفي لبنان عموماً، أحد أقسى تحديات الحياة، بسبب الأزمات الحاصلة في لبنان، مما أضطر معظم الأهالي لعدم إرسال أبنائهم الى مركزهم، بسبب ارتفاع كلفة المأكل والملبس ومصاريف النقل والعلاج وغيرها. لذلك نظم مركز مُـصان لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، مبادرة مع الخيّرين لمساعدة الأطفال والشباب من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، بحق التعليم وتلقي العلاجات الخاصة، وذلك من خلال حملة تكفّل خاصة للتبرع الشهري-السنوي-أو حسب الحاجة. إكفل أو ساعد طفلا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة عبر التبرع لهم لتوفير التالي: - التعليم - جلسات العلاج (الفيزيائي-النطق واللغة-الإنشغالي-دعم نفسي سلوكي) - التعليم المهني (أشغال يدوية-خياطة-تدبير منزلي-سكرتاريا-فرن-نجارة-فنون) - التأمين الصحي - المواصلات - الطعام - الملابس والقرطاسية وسائل تعليمية واللوازم الأخرى يعتمد مركز مصان الشفافية والسرية في التعامل مع المبادرين، مع حق اختيار الأطفال أو التواصل مع ذويهم والأشخاص المعنيين للمساعدة. الرجاء المساعدة في إنقاذ مستقبلهم، والمساعدة في إكمال تعليمهم والمساعدة في توفير العلاجات اللازمة والمهمة لهم. أي مساهمة مهمة، يرجى التبرع قدر الإمكان، كما يرجى مساعدتنا في مشاركة طلبنا. فكل جهد يساعد. شكرًا جزيلاً على دعمكم وإحداث فرق! The Mosan Center has been specialized since 1993 with the care of 175 children and youth with special needs. The center is responsible for teaching children with particular and physical disabilities, mental and psychological problems, and other disorders. It also provides them with therapeutic sessions such as physical therapy, vocational and occupational training, psychotherapy, and speech therapy. Children in the Mosan Center in particular, and in Lebanon in general, face one of the harshest challenges of life, due to the crises in Lebanon, which forced most parents not to send their children to their center, due to the high cost of food, clothing, transportation and treatment expenses, and others. Therefore, the Mosan Center for People with Special Needs organized an initiative with benefactors to help children and young people with special needs, with the right to education and to receive unique treatments, through a particular sponsorship campaign for a monthly-annual donation, or as needed. Sponsor or help a child with special needs by donating to them to provide the following: - Education. - Therapy sessions (physical - speech and language - preoccupation - psychological support) Vocational education (handicrafts, sewing, housekeeping, secretarial, oven, carpentry, arts). - Health insurance. - Transportation. - Food. - Clothes, stationery, teaching aids, and others. The Mosan Center adopts transparency and confidentiality in dealing with initiators, with the right to choose children or communicate with their parents and concerned persons for assistance. Please help save their future, help complete their education and help provide them with necessary and essential treatments. Please make a donation as much as possible. Any contribution counts, & please help us to share our request. Every effort helps. Thank you very much for your support & making a difference!

$0 raised Of $30,000

Support Darb El Qamar 2022 Event


Support Darb El Qamar 2022 Event
SUMMARY Support us raise funds for Darb El Qamar 2022 Event. All funds will be used to cover the below expenses 1. Transportation to all event visitors. 2. Transportation to all bands participating at the event. 3. Electric generator rent. 4. Bands participating fees. 5. Marketing and social media boosting fees ABOUT THE EVENT DARB EL QAMAR as an environment-driven initiative was launched in 2017 comprising a full moon hike within El Chouf Biosphere Reserve along a trail extending over 8 km of medium elevation terrain. The activity is meant to promote nature conservation by establishing connections between the latter and us as humans in a fun, chilling and well-being centered context. It also aims to promote the area as an attraction for tourists and a hub for small family start-ups to display and sell household goods and food supplies to generate a well needed income so they can make it through the winter season. This year, the event will host 20 musical bands to perform on Saturday August 13th by sunset; along with food stations preparing the most delicious meals to all our visitors. FACTS Darb El Qamar Event was attended by more than 20K visitors through out the years since it started in 2017. Finally, this year we are back after the event was unfortunately postposed due to COVID in 2020 and 2021. BIG THANKS TO Municipalities: Ain Zhalta and Bmohray CSOs: Ain Zhalta’s Charitable Association Youth Communities: #LiveLoveAinZhalta and #LiveLoveBmohray And Everyone Taking Part In This Event! HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT Every donation can help us achieve further in our event! All donations will be used to support the development of DARB EL QAMAR. We count on our diaspora to take part in this event this year as it conveys the most beautiful image to our village and country. OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT Share our fundraiser page link with all your friends and family to help us raise the requested budget and also to spread the word about the event and reach anyone able to attend or support! DARB EL QAMAR TEAM

$20 raised Of $3,000

Help Save the Nour Center


Help Save the Nour Center
The Nour Center was founded in 2013 to meet the educational needs of newly arrived Syrian children and families in Burj al Barajneh. Surveys for the 2017-18 school estimated that between 50-60% of Syrian children living in Lebanon were not attending school. The numbers have increased nowadays because of the economic crisis that Lebanon is passing through. Additionally, many of those newly arrived families bring with them stories of war and displacement. There is a critical need for safe and supportive environments within their receiving community, and the Nour Center was founded with that intention. We believe that the Nour Center, targeted towards children and youth who are otherwise unable to go to school, is a fundamental part of the development and well-being of our community. On an individual level, students at the Nour Center are able to develop their personal competencies and interpersonal skills at an early age. On a community level, students learn about their rights and responsibilities to each other and their larger communities. In these past years, the Nour Center has expanded from an initial class of 25 students to now serving over 200 students each day. At the Nour Center we work on empowering children and youth (aged 5-24) to reclaim their education and their future. We believe that education has the power to transform lives. The aim and intention of this project is to give each child the care and education they need in their early years, and to provide students who have been out of school the opportunity to re-enter an educational setting that recognizes their unique experiences. At the Nour Center, we work each day to build a healthy and strong generation of young people, helping parents and children to realize their full potentials within a challenging environment. Our rights-based learning is introduced and reinforced through daily curriculum based in Arabic, English and math lessons, life skills sessions based around health and hygiene, in addition to indoor and outdoor activities that challenge and develop the child’s creativity, imagination, thinking skills, and social skills.

$0 raised Of $10,000