Help Save the Nour Center


Help Save the Nour Center
The Nour Center was founded in 2013 to meet the educational needs of newly arrived Syrian children and families in Burj al Barajneh. Surveys for the 2017-18 school estimated that between 50-60% of Syrian children living in Lebanon were not attending school. The numbers have increased nowadays because of the economic crisis that Lebanon is passing through. Additionally, many of those newly arrived families bring with them stories of war and displacement. There is a critical need for safe and supportive environments within their receiving community, and the Nour Center was founded with that intention. We believe that the Nour Center, targeted towards children and youth who are otherwise unable to go to school, is a fundamental part of the development and well-being of our community. On an individual level, students at the Nour Center are able to develop their personal competencies and interpersonal skills at an early age. On a community level, students learn about their rights and responsibilities to each other and their larger communities. In these past years, the Nour Center has expanded from an initial class of 25 students to now serving over 200 students each day. At the Nour Center we work on empowering children and youth (aged 5-24) to reclaim their education and their future. We believe that education has the power to transform lives. The aim and intention of this project is to give each child the care and education they need in their early years, and to provide students who have been out of school the opportunity to re-enter an educational setting that recognizes their unique experiences. At the Nour Center, we work each day to build a healthy and strong generation of young people, helping parents and children to realize their full potentials within a challenging environment. Our rights-based learning is introduced and reinforced through daily curriculum based in Arabic, English and math lessons, life skills sessions based around health and hygiene, in addition to indoor and outdoor activities that challenge and develop the child’s creativity, imagination, thinking skills, and social skills.

$0 raised Of $10,000

صندوق ابراهيم وهب لمساعدة التلامذة الأكثر حاجة


صندوق ابراهيم وهب لمساعدة التلامذة الأكثر حاجة
المفتش التربوي ابراهيم وهب. ولد في 26/6/1949 في الريحان جنوب لبنان , من عائلة متواضعة. بدأ دراسته في مدرسة القرية الرسمية و ثابر بقوة و ثبات رغم تعرضه للكثير من التنمر و العوائق بسبب ضيق حالة عائلته المادية. كان مصرا أن يكمل تعليمه حتى انهى دراسته بماجيستير في الادب العربي من الجامعة اليسوعية في بيروت . كان مؤمنا بأهمية التعليم و خاصة للفقراء فبناء أجيال قوية منتجة هو من خلال تعليم متوفر لجميع فئات المجتمع. يروي سكان قريته عنه انه كان يجمع اطفال القرية و يعطيهم الدروس المجانية خلال فترة صباه. التحق بالتعليم سنة 1972 فكان مثالا للمعلم المتفاني الطيب المخلص المحب لتلامذته. اصبح مفتشاً تربوياً سنة 1996, فكان شديد الاهتمام بالمستوى التعليمي للمدارس الرسمية و خاصة المدارس الاكثر فقراً. لم يقدم يوما على إيذاء مدرس او تضييق على مدير بل كان حريصا كما تقول جملته الشهيرة : "انني انبه و ارشد و اصحح المسارات " كان همه الوحيد الدائم مصلحة التلميذ توفي في 29/5/2022 تاركا لنا نحن بناته الاربع إرثا نفتخر به و مسيرة نتشرف بإكمالها إيمان منا بأهمية رسالته بأن لا يقف أي عائق أمام أي تلميذ في مسيرته تعليمية. نطلق اليوم هذه المبادرة لتقديم الدعم لتلامذة المدارس الاكثر حاجة و مساعدة ذويهم ,في ظل هذه الازمة الخانقة, بأعباء مصاريفهم المدرسية من خلال تأمين القرطاسية و الكتب. ستساهم تبرعاتكم بشراء المستلزمات المدرسية و الكتب و ستوزع على مدارس في مناطق مختلفة. مساهمتكم بشراء دفتر او كتاب تحدث فرقا كبيرا. شكرا لكم و لمبادرتكم الكريمة. " لك يا أبي كل الحب, كنت و ما زلت قدوتنا و مصدر قوتنا. كن فخورا بنا اينما كنت, فلترقد روحك بسلام"

$285 raised Of $4,000

Better Together Scholorship Program


Better Together Scholorship Program
We are referring to "Better Together” financial aid and scholarship program. It is a way to allow people to contribute donations to a fund that goes directly towards providing financial assistance to secure education and inspire students with high potential and outstanding capabilities. While your monetary help is significant your connection and loyalty to the RHHS is of equal significance. Continuously recall one hand is for you to help yourself, and the other is to help others , how blissful you would be helping the institution closest to your heart! RHHS Alumni Association is very proud to announce the digital launch of ‘Better Together Scholarship Program’, a financial aid program that aims to support high achieving students whose families face challenges in fulfilling the school's tuition fees. The program will be funded through RHHS alumni and its wider community making it one of the best ways to give back to the institution that shaped us growing up. The dire economic situation in Lebanon has made it very difficult for many families to keep their children in their schools, and parents at RHHS have been no exception. However, it is in the most difficult of these situations that we need to make sure that our students' education is the one thing that is not compromised. As the great Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." If we want our children to change the world, we have to make sure we provide them with the most important weapon - their education. Your generous contribution, regardless of how big or little, sends a very important message to our students today and it is: 'You are not alone. We are here for you, and we will always be better together!' The RHHS alumni will continue to do their best to give back to the student community and through Better Together we hope to support as many students as we can and to make sure they remain to be students of RHHS. We look forward to your generous contribution and thank you in advance for supporting the work we're doing. With much gratitude, RHHS Alumni Association

$9,287 raised Of $150,000

Syrian Refugees Straddling Language in Lebanon


Syrian Refugees Straddling Language in Lebanon
Hello Friends and Family! The Syrian Civil War has led millions of refugees to move abroad (UNHCR, 2020). Lebanon currently hosts around 1.7 million Syrian refugees (Al-Jazeera, 2021). Syrian refugees in Lebanon are struggling to survive amid one of the worst socioeconomic crises (UNHCR, 2021). Syrian refugees also survived the Beirut Harbor explosion on August 4th of 2020 which is the third largest non-nuclear blast in the world. Thus, nine out of ten Syrian refugees are living in extreme poverty (UNHCR, 2021). As noted by the United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 2020, there are around 488,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon aged three to eighteen years old (UNHCR, 2020). Yet, only half of the 488,000 Syrian refugees are registered in the Lebanese public schools (UNHCR, 2020). Syrian refugee children face a number of challenges in public schools in Lebanon. One of the main challenges in the education system in Lebanon is the language of instruction used in classes. Even though Lebanon’s national language is Arabic, the language of instruction in almost all schools is either French or English (Shuayb et al., 2014). On the other hand, the school curriculum in Syria is taught in Arabic. This means that Syrian refugees are coming to a new country, to new schools having to learn in a foreign language. Language of instruction is the base of the student’s understanding in class. Hence, Syrian refugees being literate in English and French is very important to ensure that they are learning and benefiting from their education. After conducting a 9-month literature review in the University of California Los Angeles, titled Straddling Language in Public Schools: A Critical Literature Review on Refugees in Lebanon, findings have stated that with the current implementation of language learning, language acts as a barrier to career goals, completing school, and attending post-secondary institutions (Dodd et al, 2022). Students are facing most difficulties in the scientific and mathematical subjects because these subjects are taught purely in the foreign languages. Syrian students now have phobias of the foreign language and that this psychological effect is affecting their performance and participation in class. There are many cases of students dropping-out, getting married, or even working because of the difficulties they are facing when learning in Lebanon. This has been the case for eleven years now. Action should be taken now, as many refugees are losing years not benefitting in schools in Lebanon and dropping out to get married or work. We cannot lose a generation to the lack of proper education. Thus, after researching on the proper methods of teaching Syrian refugees in Lebanon, we are opening the Foreign Language Program for Syrian Refugees (FLP). Where = Burj el Barajneh Refugee Camp. Target = 1,000 students. Starting date = Summer 2022 Providing = 1. Hosting one-on-one tutoring sessions using the Arabic Language. 2. Hosting weekly English enrichment classes applying a curriculum based on what was learnt in this literature review. The donations raised will be for space rental, transportation, resources, printing, stationary, and expanding the program to be able to reach as many refugees as possible. We are asking for your help. Help us educate 1,000 kids in Lebanon. Help these kids benefit from their education. These kids are at no fault of their own to being in such a situation. We cannot lose a generation to the lack of proper education. Let us fight for the right to education.

$0 raised Of $10,000

Help me fund my Master's Degree in Finance


Help me fund my Master's Degree in Finance
Hello, My name is Hady Abi Saleh and I am starting this page to help me raise funds to continue my education at Kozminski University in Warsaw Poland. I have been admitted to the Masters in Finance and Accounting program for the year 2022/2023. My master's program is a two years (4 semesters) program. The Target amount covers my tuition fees of approximately 13500$ (it changes due to the difference of exchange). As well as covering 1 year of expenses (rent + food + transportation). Below you can find all the needed information about the master's I chose, Including tuition fees. I have chosen this masters due to its ranking in the Financial Times (#19 worldwide) and the work opportunities available at the corporate partners of the university (Citi bank, KPMG, Accenture). Poland is relatively an inexpensive country to live in. I have settled for a budget of 500 $/month, which includes a Monthly transportation pass (30$), rent of 300$, and 170$ for groceries. Another benefit of enrolling in this master's program is that I can study for the CFA certificate in parallel, which costs around 1500$ per year. This certificate is the most prestigious certificate in the world of finance, and along with this highly ranked master's, I believe I will have the right foundation to start a successful career in finance. My country Lebanon is going through an economic and financial crisis, where our local currency has lost its value. ( in 2018 1$ = 1500 LBP ----> 2022: 1$ = 34000 LBP) and still counting. On top of that, Lebanese people have lost their life savings and their net worth, their money is stuck in their bank accounts and cannot be withdrawn. All of that alongside the great depression our economy is going through, it is hard to find a well-paying job. Our minimum wage (as of the moment of writing is 20$ PER MONTH).

$500 raised Of $25,000

Dr Akram Breich/ Parliamentary Elections Candidate


Dr Akram Breich/ Parliamentary Elections Candidate
برنامجي الانتخابي الانتخابات النيابية اللبنانية 2022 د. أكرم علي بريش مرشح دائرة الشوف مال الوقف ملكٌ للجماعة سأعمل وأتعاون بجرأة وشفافية مع القيادة الدرزية ومسؤولي ملف مال الوقف الدرزي كي يصير مال الوقف وعوائد استثماراته عملة ملموسة ومرئية يستفيد منها كل الدروز. الأخلاق، الشفافية والإنسانية المحرك الأساس في عملي السياسي لن انجر الى درك المماحكات والجدل العقيم والعداء السياسي الذي لا يعود بأي منفعة للمواطن أتعهد شخصياً وطوعأً بشكل قانوني ملزم، بالاستقالة في حال لم أبدأ بتنفيذ وعودي الانتخابية خلال الستة أشهر الأولى خطة العمل: تأمين فرص عمل خارج لبنان للخريجين والخريجات، واصحاب المهن والكفاءة. استنفاذ كل السبل الدولية القانونية لاستعادة أموال المودعين تشريع قوانين ضمان الشيخوخة والاستشفاء. تنويع مصادر الدخل الدولية من منظمات الاتحاد الأوروبي والدول العربية لصالح المشاريع الإنمائية ترشيد المياه المهدورة، وتأمين سبل للاستفادة منها في الحقول والأراضي الزراعية ولإعادة استخدامها في المنازل تأمين الكهرباء على مدار الساعة عبر مصادر الطاقة البديلة سأعمل على إحياء ثقافة احترام وتفعيل القوانين العادلة والانخراط في الرؤى والمشاريع الكبيرة، كالطرقات الآمنة وتثبيت الأمن وتعزيز كرامة المواطن لبنان واللبنانيون يستحقون الأفضل إعادة النظر جذرياً بدوام المعلمين والطلاب، الفروض والدروس المنزلية يجب ان تنجز في المدرسة في الحصة او الحصتين الأخيرتين قبل نهاية الدوام. التلميذ له حياته ونموه الطبيعي بعيدا عن الضغوطات النفسية والجسدية، والمعلم ذاك المعطاء المغبون حقه من الد، ومن المجتمع، له الحق ان ينتهي يومه التدريسي فور خروجه من المدرسة.. لا تحضير لتلامذته ليوم لم يأت بعد، لا عمل اضافياً مجانياً في المنزل على حساب حياته وعائلته والتزاماته. لمن لا يقتنع بأمكانية تحقيق ما أسلفت أقول: نلحق مدارسنا ببرامج تطبق في اوروبا.. أي يتم استنساخ البرامج بعد لقاءات لممثلين تربويين لبنانيين مع نظرائهم في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي في حال رفضت حكومتنا والسلطة السياسية في لبنان التعاون، نرفع مجددا بصوت واثق وإرادة محقة مطالب المعلمين والطلاب لمحاكم حقوق الإنسان الدولية. نعم ، لقد تعودنا على الرضوخ والانصياع.. فضاعت أبسط الحقوق.. وأخطأنا، فبتنا نورث أبناءنا ثقافة التبعية والخوف. فلنرفع الصوت لنيل حقوقنا الإنسانية والمالية الجيش اللبناني وأفراد الأمن العام إستبدال مكان خدمتهم حيث لا ينهكون مادياً وجسديا اذ يحتاجون يومين للوصول والذهاب من والى الخدمة. الإعلاء من شأن كافة اعضاء سلك الأمن العام وأفراد الجيش اللبناني، مادياً ومعنوياً تأمين مادي لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ولكل من يرعاهم ويعتني بهم ترشيد النفقات الخارجية التي تهدر لاستئجار السفارات وتدفع للدبلوماسيين وعائلاتهم ألتزم وأعمل من أجل سيادة واستقلال الوطن، ومن أجل حقوق وكرامة المواطن صوتي ضميري، ولن اخفت صوت الحق التغيير الحضاري ليس مستحيلاً اذا اقترن بالارادة، الإصرار والأخلاق.

$100 raised Of $20,000