Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh


Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh
I am Paramaz Garabet Yepremian, the founder of Circus Hub, specializing in designing and manufacturing circus props, teaching circus arts, and performing. In response to the aftermath of the Artsakh war in 2020, I initiated a successful crowd funding campaign. This enabled me to travel from Lebanon to Armenia, conducting 12 circus art workshops and reaching 250 displaced children in December 2020. Building on that success, I extended my efforts to the Martakert region in Artsakh in September 2022, where I provided circus art workshops to children affected by the conflict. Despite numerous organizations addressing basic needs, there's a gap in providing essential play and education for these displaced children. In light of the current situation, where the entire Armenian population was deported from their homeland Nagorno Karabakh during the month of September 2023. With 26,400 children and their families in urgent need, I've committed to reaching out to 250 displaced children in Armenia and provide circus art workshops and shows. "Play is a universal language that transcends borders and heals wounds. In times of trauma, circus arts becomes a powerful tool for resilience. They instill confidence, foster creativity, and provide a safe space for expression. By supporting this campaign, you're not just funding my costs of travel in this trip; you're investing in the well-being and future of these resilient children." The funds raised will cover my travel expenses from Lebanon to Armenia and transportation within the country to reach children scattered across various regions. All campaign details and updates will be posted on an event page where you can follow and stay up to date: Facebook event page: (Donate Now to Help Bring Circus to The Displaced Children of The Artsakh War) For more information or inquiries, please reach out to me via email or WhatsApp. Contact details:, 0096181245146. You can also connect on Facebook (Paramaz Yepremian), Instagram (circus_hub), and visit our website at Your support can bring hope and joy to these children through circus art workshops and shows.

$5 raised Of $1,000

Send Lebanese Robotics Champs to Panama


Send Lebanese Robotics Champs to Panama
My students need your help! I'm Charbel Daoud, a proud Robotics & Coding Mentor with over 8 years of experience in the field. For the past 8 months, I've been coaching two remarkable teams in Lebanon, and their dedication has led to an incredible achievement. In the July 2023 national competition in Lebanon, my two teams, APROMON and GREEN SAILER, excelled, securing first place in the senior categories of Future Engineers and Future Innovators. Now, they have the honor of representing Lebanon in Panama this coming November 2023, an opportunity that means the world to them. Team APROMON, consisting of Jonathan Achkouty, Charbel Estephan, and Jad Mouawad, has designed an impressive autonomous car using Arduino technology. This self-driving car, equipped with ultrasonic sensors and Pixy Cam v2.1, demonstrates remarkable precision as it tackles challenges that mimic real-life situations. On the other hand, Team GREEN SAILER, composed of Rayan Baaklini, Alexandre Saghbini, and Jean Zaatar, has crafted a solar boat using Arduino and developed a mobile application to control it. We believe in the power of robotics and creativity to shape the future, and we invite you to join us in supporting these talented individuals on their journey to the World Robotics Competition in Panama. Your generous donations will help them showcase their innovation and hard work on a global stage. This year's International World Robotics Competition, hosted in Panama, is an exciting opportunity for our teams to shine once again. Last year in Lebanon, we emerged victorious in the same competition and even competed in Germany, achieving a remarkable 20th place worldwide. With your support, we aim to reach an even higher rank this year. However, this victory comes with a financial challenge. The Championship entails expenses of $3,700 per individual, and we are a team of seven: six students and one coach. This cost covers flights, transportation, seven days of food and accommodation for the team. In addition to that, the transportation of our high-tech robots to Panama. Robotics is an enriching but costly endeavor. Entry fees, robotics parts, promotional items like team shirts and buttons, and international travel expenses add up significantly. As a coach, I cannot shoulder this financial burden alone. We humbly request the support of parents, relatives, friends, and generous donors who believe in our cause and want to contribute to the success of these aspiring young innovators. Together, we can make a difference through the power of robotics and creativity. Your support will not only enable our teams to compete but also foster a passion for STEM education in our students, helping them achieve their dreams and represent Lebanon with pride on the global stage.

$11,955 raised Of $29,000

Representing Lebanon at the World Robotics Olympia


Representing Lebanon at the World Robotics Olympia
Hello dear tech lovers and all kinds of supporters! 2 teams from Lebanon (six 16 year olds, three in each team -hey it rhymes!) were listed as finalists in the “World Robot Olympiad” and will be representing the country in 2 different categories. The first team: Robosports (Lebanon for the first time ever!) The second team: Future Innovators => Check their work They competed against 85 countries and 30 different schools in Lebanon, and today they are finalists, competing against several other countries (They did it independently with only the support of the amazing NinjaCo. instructors) => Info Here: The finals are taking place in Germany, City of Dortmund on the 16th of November 2022. Unfortunately, with the degrading economic situation in Lebanon, their families are incapable of financially supporting their trip. Those kids are the future of this country and the innovators that will make Lebanon a tech hub. This will open up for them many scholarship opportunities when graduating highschool and we believe they have a huge chance to win. NinjaCo’s mission is to implement modern computing education in Lebanon and the middle east, all while highlighting the importance of codifying as a constructive hobby that every child needs to adopt with our shifting digital world. And Now we are looking to raise 8000 euros to help all 6 students and a chaperon to travel and represent Lebanon in the finals. If we reach 1600 people each donating maybe only 5 euros, this dream can turn into reality. The deadline to register is on the 8th of october (yes in a couple of days) we want to risk it anyways and we found a way to cover the admission fees. But: Tickets (that are currently extremely expensive), transportation, special cases for their robots and inventions, as well as equipment to finalize their projects, visas and F&Bs are still not covered. On that note, if we don’t reach the 8000 euros but maybe reach only 2600 to support 1 youngster from each team to go and represent their teams (and Lebanon!) would be more than enough. My beautiful people, still residing in Lebanon (if you can) and working expats, if we reach 1600 people donating 5euros each, this dream can turn into reality. Pleaseee spread the word and love. We are looking forward to sharing with you the journey of these youth on NinjaCo’s official instagram page.

$393 raised Of $2,022

Help us go to the world robotics Olympiad


Help us go to the world robotics Olympiad
Hello dear tech lovers and all kinds of supporters! 2 teams from Lebanon (six 16 year olds, three in each team -hey it rhymes!) were listed as finalists in the “World Robot Olympiad” and will be representing the country in 2 different categories. The first team: Robosports (Lebanon for the first time ever!) The second team: Future Innovators => Check their work They competed against 85 countries and 30 different schools in Lebanon, and today they are finalists, competing against several other countries (They did it independently with only the support of the amazing NinjaCo. instructors) => Info Here: The finals are taking place in Germany, City of Dortmund on the 16th of November 2022. Unfortunately, with the degrading economic situation in Lebanon, their families are incapable of financially supporting their trip. Those kids are the future of this country and the innovators that will make Lebanon a tech hub. This will open up for them many scholarship opportunities when graduating highschool and we believe they have a huge chance to win. NinjaCo’s mission is to implement modern computing education in Lebanon and the middle east, all while highlighting the importance of codifying as a constructive hobby that every child needs to adopt with our shifting digital world. And Now we are looking to raise 8000 euros to help all 6 students and a chaperon to travel and represent Lebanon in the finals. If we reach 1600 people each donating maybe only 5 euros, this dream can turn into reality. The deadline to register is on the 8th of october (yes in a couple of days) we want to risk it anyways and we found a way to cover the admission fees. But: Tickets (that are currently extremely expensive), transportation, special cases for their robots and inventions, as well as equipment to finalize their projects, visas and F&Bs are still not covered. On that note, if we don’t reach the 8000 euros but maybe reach only 2600 to support 1 youngster from each team to go and represent their teams (and Lebanon!) would be more than enough. My beautiful people, still residing in Lebanon (if you can) and working expats, if we reach 1600 people donating 5euros each, this dream can turn into reality. Pleaseee spread the word and love. We are looking forward to sharing with you the journey of these youth on NinjaCo’s official instagram page.

$0 raised Of $2,000

Dr Akram Breich/ Parliamentary Elections Candidate


Dr Akram Breich/ Parliamentary Elections Candidate
برنامجي الانتخابي الانتخابات النيابية اللبنانية 2022 د. أكرم علي بريش مرشح دائرة الشوف مال الوقف ملكٌ للجماعة سأعمل وأتعاون بجرأة وشفافية مع القيادة الدرزية ومسؤولي ملف مال الوقف الدرزي كي يصير مال الوقف وعوائد استثماراته عملة ملموسة ومرئية يستفيد منها كل الدروز. الأخلاق، الشفافية والإنسانية المحرك الأساس في عملي السياسي لن انجر الى درك المماحكات والجدل العقيم والعداء السياسي الذي لا يعود بأي منفعة للمواطن أتعهد شخصياً وطوعأً بشكل قانوني ملزم، بالاستقالة في حال لم أبدأ بتنفيذ وعودي الانتخابية خلال الستة أشهر الأولى خطة العمل: تأمين فرص عمل خارج لبنان للخريجين والخريجات، واصحاب المهن والكفاءة. استنفاذ كل السبل الدولية القانونية لاستعادة أموال المودعين تشريع قوانين ضمان الشيخوخة والاستشفاء. تنويع مصادر الدخل الدولية من منظمات الاتحاد الأوروبي والدول العربية لصالح المشاريع الإنمائية ترشيد المياه المهدورة، وتأمين سبل للاستفادة منها في الحقول والأراضي الزراعية ولإعادة استخدامها في المنازل تأمين الكهرباء على مدار الساعة عبر مصادر الطاقة البديلة سأعمل على إحياء ثقافة احترام وتفعيل القوانين العادلة والانخراط في الرؤى والمشاريع الكبيرة، كالطرقات الآمنة وتثبيت الأمن وتعزيز كرامة المواطن لبنان واللبنانيون يستحقون الأفضل إعادة النظر جذرياً بدوام المعلمين والطلاب، الفروض والدروس المنزلية يجب ان تنجز في المدرسة في الحصة او الحصتين الأخيرتين قبل نهاية الدوام. التلميذ له حياته ونموه الطبيعي بعيدا عن الضغوطات النفسية والجسدية، والمعلم ذاك المعطاء المغبون حقه من الد، ومن المجتمع، له الحق ان ينتهي يومه التدريسي فور خروجه من المدرسة.. لا تحضير لتلامذته ليوم لم يأت بعد، لا عمل اضافياً مجانياً في المنزل على حساب حياته وعائلته والتزاماته. لمن لا يقتنع بأمكانية تحقيق ما أسلفت أقول: نلحق مدارسنا ببرامج تطبق في اوروبا.. أي يتم استنساخ البرامج بعد لقاءات لممثلين تربويين لبنانيين مع نظرائهم في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي في حال رفضت حكومتنا والسلطة السياسية في لبنان التعاون، نرفع مجددا بصوت واثق وإرادة محقة مطالب المعلمين والطلاب لمحاكم حقوق الإنسان الدولية. نعم ، لقد تعودنا على الرضوخ والانصياع.. فضاعت أبسط الحقوق.. وأخطأنا، فبتنا نورث أبناءنا ثقافة التبعية والخوف. فلنرفع الصوت لنيل حقوقنا الإنسانية والمالية الجيش اللبناني وأفراد الأمن العام إستبدال مكان خدمتهم حيث لا ينهكون مادياً وجسديا اذ يحتاجون يومين للوصول والذهاب من والى الخدمة. الإعلاء من شأن كافة اعضاء سلك الأمن العام وأفراد الجيش اللبناني، مادياً ومعنوياً تأمين مادي لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ولكل من يرعاهم ويعتني بهم ترشيد النفقات الخارجية التي تهدر لاستئجار السفارات وتدفع للدبلوماسيين وعائلاتهم ألتزم وأعمل من أجل سيادة واستقلال الوطن، ومن أجل حقوق وكرامة المواطن صوتي ضميري، ولن اخفت صوت الحق التغيير الحضاري ليس مستحيلاً اذا اقترن بالارادة، الإصرار والأخلاق.

$100 raised Of $20,000