160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA 

103,094$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do liver transplantation as soon as possible

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut for the 19.8 Beirut Global Sports Challenge to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind

51,085$ Collected by Nadim Aziz to help his uncle Nadim walk again

45,475$ Collected by Jean Pierre Eid to help Naji walk again

23,046$ Collected by Lebanese Vegans for the only animal rights and vegan support center of its kind

18,904$ Collected by Ahmad Yassine for his mother to cover her brain tumor surgery cost

15,624$ Collected by Meghterbin Mejtemiin for the SOLAR POWERED LEBANON initiative to help bring power to the country

Ready To Start Fundraising?

Top Campaigns

Donations in LBP will show in the fundraiser goal at the official 15,000 LBP/USD exchange rate
Save the Education in Tripoli


Save the Education in Tripoli
Help us raise an amount of 200,00$ in order to support the tuition fees of 500 vulnerable students across private schools in Tripoli. The socio-economic crisis in Lebanon has pushed three-quarters of the Lebanese population into poverty, with an acute cash crisis deteriorating living conditions for millions of people. It also had a very high impact on the already struggling education sector whereby: The low wages of teachers in private schools (an average of 200$) are not covering their transportation expenses, leaving them really incapable of making ends meets Actual tuition fees didn’t constitute enough revenues for schools to increase teacher wages, and cover running costs to keep classrooms lit or heated They had to raise tuition fees on an average of 300% and impose real (Fresh) dollar payment on parents. With the ¾ of the population facing poverty, parents losing their jobs, or still being really underpaid in many sectors, a lot of families are not being able to afford the increase of tuition fees. On the other hand, public education reached a new breaking point with the closure of many public schools, and on and off strikes of the public teachers who are left with a salary as low as 40$, with no insurance and hospitals coverage. Despite many trials, the Government has failed to properly address the problem, and suggest viable solutions. This complex situation has left more than 1 million children without education across Lebanon, and the level of school drop out is expected to sky rocket with the dollarization of tuition fees in private schools, and the bad situation of public education. Those critical times added strain on the already struggling Tripoli, the poorest city of the country, and it’s second largest. Even before the economic meltdown, the poverty rate in the city was 60%, and the unemployment rate has far exceeded this number. Education there is under threat and the impact of the collapsing system will be carried on for several generations, with school dropout rate exceeding 40%. Let’s always remember that Education of children is the most essential factor necessary for the recovery and future of our beloved country, and that the quality of education we used to have has always been a success factor to all of us, in and outside Lebanon..

$9,565 raised Of $200,000

Top Permanent Fundraisers

Donations in LBP will show in the fundraiser goal at the official 15,000 LBP/USD exchange rate
Sahlona Wal Jabal - سهلنا والجبل
Sahlona Wal Jabal - سهلنا والجبل
ائتلاف سهلنا والجبل هو ائتلاف سياسي مفتوح يضم مجموعات ١٧ تشرين وقوى التغيير في البقاع الغربي وراشيا. تم اطلاقه في ٦ شباط ٢٠٢٢ ضمن رؤية سياسية واضحة في قرائتها لواقع لبنان السياسي والاقتصادي خلال ٣٠ عاماً من سيطرة منظومة الفساد الحاكمة على كل مقدرات البلاد والتي أوصلتنا إلى حالة الانهيار الشامل وكانت سبباً في تفجير مرفأ بيروت وتدمير جزء من العاصمة. ينبثق هذا الإئتلاف من ثورة ١٧ تشرين ويقدم برنامجاً سياسياً واقتصادياً واجتماعياً بديلاً يلاقي من خلاله ائتلافات التغيير على مساحة الوطن من أجل بناء دولة المواطنة والسيادة والعدالة بعيداً عن سيطرة مافيا الفساد والسلاح. يقدم ائتلاف سهلنا والجبل مرشحيه للانتخابات النيابية كجزء من مواجهة شاملة وواضحة مع كامل مكونات المنظومة الحاكمة ويسعى لإيصال صوت الناس الى داخل المؤسسات الدستورية كجزء من مسار التغيير ليشكل مع باقي الإئتلافات الحليفة كتلة نيابية متراصة ضمن المبادئ السياسية العامة المنصوص عنها في رؤيته السياسية.



Assurons l'avenir du Collège du Carmel St. Joseph!
Assurons l'avenir du Collège du Carmel St. Joseph!
Chères anciennes et chers anciens élèves du Carmel St. Joseph, chers étudiants et chers amis, Ces deux dernières années ont été marquées par des bouleversements et des incertitudes constants. Tous les aspects de nos vies - santé, éducation, travail - ont été bouleversés. Nous avons tous dû faire des compromis, des sacrifices et apprendre encore une fois à faire face à l'inconnu. Notre école a été confrontée à des choix douloureux et difficiles mais nous sommes restés concentrés sur notre mission permettant au CSJ d’être un havre de paix et de stabilité pour de nombreux étudiants et familles. La crise au Liban provoque un phénomène de déclassement violent de grande ampleur, amenant de nombreuses familles à ne plus avoir la capacité de régler la scolarité de leurs enfants. Cependant l’une des constantes de notre établissement a toujours été, et demeure, l’inclusion, la diversité et le brassage sociale. Notre école, ou dois-je dire notre famille, compte aujourd'hui environ +700 élèves et +140 entre corps enseignant et personnels administratifs offrant une éducation de qualité et des emplois dignes. Afin de nous permettre de garder nos portes ouvertes, nous avons mis en place un fonds de solidarité destiné à répondre aux besoins de fonctionnement de l'école et faire face à des charges d’exploitation qui augmentent significativement avec l’inflation locale et mondiale, à alléger le poids de certains parents pour payer les scolarités de familles en difficulté et à respecter notre engagement envers nos enseignants en les aidant à maintenir un niveau de vie décent. Si vous n'avez pas encore contribué et que vous êtes en mesure de le faire, nous faisons appel à votre solidarité pour poursuivre ensemble notre mission éducative, pour: 1) aider à couvrir les frais de scolarité des élèves qui en ont besoin, 2) contribuer aux salaires des enseignants et du personnel qui sont les principaux piliers de cette institution et à qui nous accordons notre totale confiance, et 3) contribuer aux coûts opérationnels de l'école qui augmentent étant dollarisés. Nous comptons sur votre soutien pour que le Collège du Carmel St. Joseph reste au service de la société et des générations actuelles, comme il l’a été pour tant de générations passées. "Le plus petit acte vaut mieux que la plus grande intention" Nos anciens élèves sont des acteurs, bien préparés par la vie à faire une différence. Si vous souhaitez faire un don par virement bancaire plutôt que par carte de crédit, vous trouverez ci-dessous les informations relatives à notre compte bancaire en signalant la référence « Carmel Solidarité » : Nous acceptons tous les modes de paiements (LBP, Euro, USD fresh, Lollar) - Nom de la banque : Banque BEMO sal. - Adresse de la banque : Succursale Gemayzeh, Beyrouth - LIBAN - Titulaire du compte : Congrégation du Carmel Saint Joseph - IBAN Dollars US : LB16 0093 0000 0035 0063 4366 1USD - IBAN EURO : LB66 0093 0000 0035 0063 4366 1EUR - IBAN LBP : LB63 0093 0000 0004 0080 8366 1LBP - SWIFT CODE : EUMOLBBE Sr. Mariam an Nour Directrice de l'école _____________________________________________ This year has been one of constant upheaval and uncertainty. Every aspect of our lives – health, school, work, travel – has been upended. We’ve all had to compromise, sacrifice, and learn once again to deal with the unknown. Our school has been confronted with some painfully difficult choices, nevertheless we remained focused on our mission to enable CSJ to be a haven of peace and stability for many students and families. Indeed, the crisis in Lebanon is causing a large-scale violent deprivation, affecting the ability of many families to pay for their childrens’ education. However, one of the constants of our school has always been, and remains the inclusion, diversity and social mix. Our school, our family, counts today 700+ students and 140+ teaching and administrative staff, providing quality education and dignified employment. To be able to keep our doors open, we have established a solidarity fund dedicated to meet the needs of the school’s operations and cover the operating expenses which are increasing with local and global inflation, to ease the burden on some parents to pay for the schooling of families in difficulty and to keep our commitment towards our teachers and help them sustain a decent livelihood. If you have not yet made a gift and are in a position to do so, we appeal to your solidarity to pursue together our educational mission, to : 1) support in covering the tuition fees of students in need, 2) contribute to the salaries of the teachers and staff who are the main pillars of this institution and whom we trust with the dearest to our hearts, and 3) cover the dollarized operational costs of the school which are increasing. We count on your support to give back and ensure that the Carmel St. Joseph remains at the service of society and present generations, as it has been for the many past generations. “The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention” Our alumni are doers of deeds, well prepared by life to make a difference. In case you wish to donate via wire transfer instead of credit card payment, below is our bank account information by indicating “Carmel solidarité”: We accept all modes of payment (LBP, Euro, USD fresh, Lollar) - Bank name: Banque BEMO sal. - Bank address: Gemayzeh Branch, Beirut - LEBANON - Account holder : Congregation of the Carmel Saint Joseph - IBAN US Dollars: LB16 0093 0000 0035 0063 4366 1USD - IBAN EURO: LB66 0093 0000 0035 0063 4366 1EUR - IBAN LBP: LB63 0093 0000 0004 0080 8366 1LBP - SWIFT CODE: EUMOLBBE Sr. Mariam an Nour School Principal



Khayar: To empower Lebanese students
Khayar: To empower Lebanese students
We aim to support Lebanese students, all around the world, during these devastating times. Khayar is a community-based platform that engages with students in a global network, bringing together bright minds for a brighter future. How did Khayar come about? In 2019 political instability, wide-spread corruption, and an orchestrated Ponzi scheme caused Lebanon’s fragile economy to collapse. Today between a plummeting Lira and unlawful capital controls set by banks, thousands of Lebanese students pursuing degrees around the globe and at home are at risk of having to terminate or forfeit their education. Even though Lebanon is a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Lebanon is far from any form of proper application with regard to Article 26; the universal right to education and human development. In a social culture where the youth find their education deeply intertwined with political clientelism, most parents and students say “Ma ma’ae Khayar tene” meaning “I have no other Choice”. Khayar was organized with the intent of empowering a generation growing up in Lebanon’s most devastating economic period and liberating their right to education from the shackles of political influence . Khayar, a choice, is what each and every student needs right now. Ambitious dreams, proper education, and the achievement of one's highest ambitions are only found once the required assets are in place to ensure that equal opportunity is available to all citizens of the state. “When you educate one person, you can change a life; when you educate many, you can change the world” Please visit the Khayar website for more information: https://khayar.me/



The House of Christmas
The House of Christmas
The House of Christmas NGO – Overview Brief: The House of Christmas (‘HOC’) was set up by a group of Lebanese professionals living locally and globally to support families living in financial distress across Lebanon, in their various needs: food and basic needs, decent livelihood, housing, medical services, education and legal support. Our first fundraising event was held in December 2017 at the House which turned, for a day, into a proper Christmas market with gifts, kid’s activities, a food court, and a proper spirit of charity, solidarity and compassion to help alleviate the pain, inequality and poverty in Lebanon. Since then, HOC organized several fundraising initiatives; and our network of families has grown exponentially. HOC operates solely on a voluntary basis and is run by a team of dedicated individuals with similar values and common purpose. Mission Statement - Reaching out to families in need across Lebanon to help them regain their dignity and achieve sustainability in their lives. - Providing targeted support to stabilize and strengthen livelihoods Vision Supporting, inspiring, and rebuilding our Lebanese community, family by family. Latest interventions: Following the August 4th blast, HOC is leading the Livelihood interventions within the togetherliBeirut campaign by supporting small businesses in a targeted and sustainable way and by restoring heritage buildings housing vulnerable families and local businesses. www.togetherlibeirut.org




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I want to thank this platform for the opportunity it gave me to raise funds for my cause. It really helped me and I got positive reviews about it from my donors. I am so glad you are running this website which is helping changing people's lives.

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Rawad Hayek -

- Rawad Hayek -

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Thank you again, it's really nice to have such a friendly platform with a professional team in Lebanon

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Amin Dora -

- Amin Dora -

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Proud to have fundahope as a pure Lebanese platform! Good job! 

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Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

- Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

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A simple click to donate throughout the world thanks to Fundahope!


We were very happy with the cooperation with Fundahope and will definitely create a new campaign once we have one.

Looking forward to our next fundraising effort!

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Mission Education -

- Mission Education -

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Nous renouvelons nos remerciements pour le support que Fundahope nous a prêté. Leur support continu nous encourage à poursuivre notre engagement et notre mission éducative.

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Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

- Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

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fundahope is truly an amazing platform for Lebanese NGOs to reach out to donors locally and internationally - without any redtapes and financial constraints. So, we were able to focus on the cause itself and raise donations in a user friendly manner.


Thank you for a successful partnership - we will always count on you for funding and call for donations!

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Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

- Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

Medical Success Stories

Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

This campaign tells the story of Nadim, who experienced a life-altering accident when he fell from a scaffold. As a result, his daily tasks became extremely challenging. Despite facing financial difficulties due to the economic crisis in Lebanon, there was a glimmer of hope when Nadim was approved for a trial treatment in France that could restore his autonomy. However, the cost of the treatment was approximately $140,000. The campaign successfully raised $51,085, which greatly influenced Nadim and his family. Not only did your contributions give Nadim hope, but they also provided hope to a whole community of individuals with special needs, as he was among the first Lebanese people to undergo this operation.

The campaign was able to collect 51,085$
Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

Education Success Stories

Supporting children with special needs

The Acsauvel, a Lebanese NGO, successfully launched a campaign to support children with special needs in Deir Tamish. Despite challenges including delayed government support, the pandemic, and currency devaluation, the campaign has greatly impacted the lives of 125 individuals by providing education, well-being, and support.


Every contribution, whether through donations or sharing the request, was highly valued in making a difference and sustaining the employment of teachers and therapists.

The campaign was able to raise 10,085$
Supporting children with special needs

Medical Success Stories

Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

This heartfelt plea for support shares the story of Nancy, who has had hearing issues since childhood. Her parents previously raised funds for her life-changing cochlear implant surgery, but unfortunately, the device has stopped working after over 15 years.


With Nancy's father working abroad and the challenging situation in Lebanon, her family was in desperate need of support.

Contributions, no matter their size, made a significant difference in restoring Nancy's hearing and allowing her to pursue her dreams.

The campaign successfully raised the entire required amount of 5,000$
Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

Sports Success Stories

Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Rami successfully ran from the South to the North of Lebanon, covering 470 Km in 7 days. Additionally, he challenged himself to run up and down Kilimanjaro (5895 km) in 14 hours. This time, he ran for "Mission Lebanon" to support Chef Tina Wazirian with food distribution throughout Lebanon. With your donations, we were able to make that difference!

A total of $7,620 has been raised, surpassing the initial goal of 5,895$
Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Medical Success Stories

Jean's Medical Expenses

Thanks to the compassionate individuals like yourself and your generous donations, Jean underwent the crucial surgery he desperately needed.

The campaign successfully raised the total amount needed: 4,027$
Jean's Medical Expenses

Emergency Success Stories

Dialysis and ICU for Natasha at AUBMC

Thanks to the urgent campaign, we successfully raised almost the entire amount needed to support the critical condition of a 3-year-old girl at AUBMC - American University of Beirut Medical Center. Dialysis and ICU were required for her treatment. The initial amount needed was $10,000. Natasha was diagnosed with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).

The campaign was able to raise 9,262$
Dialysis and ICU for Natasha at AUBMC

Sports Success Stories

The 19.8 Beirut Global Sports Challenge!

All Lebanese and Lebanon-lovers around the world were invited to practice the sport of their choice over a minimal target of 19.8 km, lapses, summits, etc.., as the area of Beirut is 19.8 km2


The campaign was able to collect 60,285$!

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind and to raise funds for its ongoing work
The 19.8 Beirut Global Sports Challenge!

Medical Success Stories

Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Rawad El Hayek, a 24-year-old Lebanese man, was born with a congenital syndrome called "hemifacial microsomia" which resulted in partial facial paralysis and unilateral hearing loss. Throughout his academic and personal life, he faced a lot of challenges due to his hearing loss in his right ear.


In the midst of the worst economic crisis to date in Lebanon, Rawad successfully started a fundahope crowdfunding campaign to implant a bone-anchored hearing aid that would help him regain his hearing sense in his right ear. The campaign was successful in raising the major amount needed for the implant.

The campaign was able to raise 12,525$
Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Sports Success Stories

The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Thanks to fundahope, Shiva "the unbreakable" Karout, a professional Lebanese powerlifter with many international championships under his belt, represented Lebanon in the IPF World Powerlifting Championship in Minsk (Belarus) the past September.

The campaign was able to collect 3,450$
The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Medical Success Stories

Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Mr. Fadi Nacouzi received the net sum of the goal achieved on fundahope, out of which 85% WERE DELIVERED IN FRESH FUNDS thanks to the international donors.


Baby Aline Makari will be able now to do her liver transplantation. Thank you for saving lives!

66,964$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do her liver transplantation as soon as possible
Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Medical Success Stories

A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!

fundahope delivered to Mrs. Farah Habbal the net sum of the goal achieved on fundahope, out of which 93,508$ WERE DELIVERED IN FRESH FUNDS thanks to the international donors.


Thank you for playing a role in saving Baby Mila, and giving her a new chance in life.

160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA
A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!